Space Theme Indoor Playground
Beebeeland Customized Indoor Playground
Little Monster-Themed Indoor Playground
multi-function kids soft playground
ملعب داخلي مخصص IP
Mooton delivers innovative indoor playground equipment engineered with uncompromising commitment to safety, eco-friendliness, and durability. Our rigorous testing protocols exceeding 1,000 iterations and internationally recognized certifications (ISO 9001, EN 1176 Standardization) stand as testament to this promise.
يسعدنا ويسعدنا أن نقدم لكم العاملين في mootonsoftplay. من فضلك خذ لحظة للتعرف “المشروع!” لقد قمنا بدعوة كل واحد منهم لوصف سبب استمتاعهم باللعب مع الأطفال.
دعونا نكتشف أفضل الحرم الجامعي من خلال جولة بالفيديو
Mooton is a professional manufacturer specializing in the design, إنتاج, and installation of indoor amusement parks. It is a sub-brand established by the Cowboy Group for the Middle Eastern market. With a branch in Dubai, we are committed to meeting the needs of customers in the Middle East and North Africa by offering more customized solutions and localized services for indoor amusement parks.
Modern factories equipped with advanced production equipment and automated production lines ensure production capacity and on-time delivery.
القطع سلس, free from waviness and breakpoints, and completely safe to the touch. The CNC system ensures a 100% accurate reproduction of the designer's graphics.
Following the welding standards of the automotive industry, the system incorporates standardized components, اللحام والتشكيل الآلي, and a CNC system to ensure consistent process operations. It eliminates issues such as leakage and incomplete welding, resulting in enhanced product safety and a longer service life.
According to top-brand furniture production standards, it is equipped with a top-level automated production line, ensuring high safety standards and an annual production capacity of 20 million USD.
يثير النمو الجسدي والاكتشاف بينما مناهجنا الإبداعية, الذي يجمع بين التقليدية والتقدمية, يدعم نمو كل طالب.
We provide end-to-end personalized services tailored to your needs.
يرجى متابعة تحديثاتنا. سوف نشارك بانتظام أحدث الحالات لدينا, منتجات, والأخبار.
حقوق الطبع والنشر © موتون كيدز رايدز & جميع الحقوق محفوظة.
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